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Barb Hodgens
Barb Hodgens

Barb Hodgens loves to cook with alternative, healthy whole food ingredients, with a focus on gut health. Barb has overcome her own gut health issues through healthy eating. Share your ideas, comments and photos at the end of this post :)

macerated strawberry and cherry filling

The perfect addition to homemade yogurt!

We hope you enjoy this jammy deliciousness from Amanda Ferrari of 'The Home Range'. Amanda specialises in gluten free, keto and vegan friendly gourmet gift jams and other Celiac friendly pantry goodies.

Amanda made this fruit filling to enjoy with the ‘easy coconut yogurt recipe’ found in the Luvele yogurt maker instruction booklet and recipe blog. With the addition of some crushed biscuit or baked biscuit crumble from her range, you have an easy dessert or healthy snack.

Any homemade yogurt recipe can be used. For yogurt making inspiration, visit our yogurt basics page.

macerated strawberry and cherry filling


* Multiply the ingredients for a larger amount

100g fresh strawberries
100g canned black pitted cherries in syrup
¼ cup sugar
Juice of 2 lemons
Crushed graham/digestive biscuits/biscuit crumble- optional
Homemade yogurt


1.   Rinse strawberries and chop into smaller pieces.
2.   Strain 100 grams of the canned black cherries then chop into smaller pieces.
3.   Place chopped fruit into a large bowl and cover fruit with sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice, mix well.
4.   Cover the bowl and set aside in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours to macerate (breakdown of fruit). The longer you leave it, the better the results.
5.   Divide your preferred homemade yogurt into bowls or use the individual 400mL Luvele ceramic yogurt containers.  
6.   Layer macerated fruit and syrup between extra dollops of yogurt.
7.   If topping with crushed graham/digestive biscuits, use a resealable sandwich bag and a small tenderising mallet or mortar and pestle to crush the biscuits. Top with crushed graham/digestive biscuits and serve.

Recipe and photography brought to you by “The Home Range”. You can follow Amanda on Instagram or Facebook

strawberry and cherry filling